Looking ahead to Christmas


Hello everyone,

It’s mid-November, and I’m already seeing lots of Christmas related things around Fuji. Last week I saw a Christmas tree in a restaurant! I thought it was a bit early to put up decorations for the festive season, but last weekend we put up our Christmas tree at home. Here’s a photo of it. So I’m already thinking about what to do in December. My mother-in-law asked me about cooking turkey. She has never tried it and is interested in an Irish style Christmas dinner. We’ll have to look around for turkey because it isn’t popular in Japan. Chicken is the food of choice at Xmas here. Many people have never even tried turkey. I think everyone should, it’s delicious!

Here at Hario we are already looking forward to our next big event. We take lots of pride in our events, and after the success of the speech contest at the start of this month, we move onto planning the next one. A lot of planning goes in to each event to make sure our students have as much fun as possible. The Hario Christmas Party 2019 will take place on December 15th. It’s going to be a great party with lots of fun games, crafts, songs, and rumour has it Santa might even come. He has a very busy schedule, but he will try and make some time to come and visit Hario with Christmas presents. So sign up today for our party. It’s going to be a very special day. I hope to see you all there!









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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp
