Happy Marine Day


Hello everyone,

It’s unusually cool today. It’s one of the coolest mornings in July I can remember. It makes a nice change from the hot, humid days we’ve been having recently. At Hario this week we’ve already begun checking the speech homework for the first time. Last week, all of the students got their speech pack. So this week we are checking their vocabulary list. This is important because a student can listen to a speech and copy the sounds that make it, but they might not know any of the words they are saying. By learning the difficult words in the speech first, they can grasp the idea of the sentences they say. This is a great way to learn English, by using new vocabulary in sentences. Best of luck to everyone practicing at home!

Next Monday is a national holiday. The third Monday of July is Marine Day. This national holiday was established in 1995 (and first held in 1996) as a day of gratitude for the blessings of the oceans of Japan. Originally held on July 20, in 2003 it was changed to the third Monday of July for the “Happy Mondays” system. The sea is very important to this country. It’s easy to see, with all of the delicious seafood eaten every day. Japan’s famous sushi is sold in restaurants all over the world. I remember about 25 years ago in Ireland, many people hadn’t even heard of sushi, and it wasn’t available anywhere. We never eat raw fish in Ireland. It’s always cooked, and raw fish was seen as dangerous in the past. Now, there are many sushi restaurants all over Ireland. Of course, it’s not as good as the real thing here in Japan. There is a chain of Japanese restaurants in Ireland called “Wagamama”. Nobody in Ireland knows that the name means “greedy” in English! They sell all kinds if Japanese food such as sushi and soba. Enjoy Marine Day, and remember Hario will be open next Monday.














富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp